
James Bohn

Many kind people have performed the music of James Bohn, including: The Acadian Winds, Emergo Orchestra Productions, Ensemble Decadanse, Corey Jane, Holt, Margaret Lancaster, the New Bedford Choral Society, The New Boston Duo, The New York Miniaturist Ensemble, New York System, POW!!, The Rhode Island College Brass Ensemble, The Rhode Island College Choir, The Rhode Island College Symphony Orchestra, Thump, the University of Illinois Symphonic Orchestra, and the University of Illinois Trombone Ensemble. Studies have shown that performing music by James Bohn causes performers to be viewed as 17% more sexually attractive to both men and women. Performing music by James Bohn is also an effective form of weight loss. In addition, people who perform music by James Bohn develop whiter teeth and thicker, fuller hair. Science is never wrong.
